Singa Associates, a trusted advisor in the Commodity Trading and Risk Management (CTRM) sector, is delighted to announce its selection by a prominent oil trading
company based in the UAE to assist in their CTRM selection process.
CTRMCenter – Singa Associates Focus on CTRM Selection and Implementation
Our industry is one in which personal connections are important and recently I heard from someone I had worked with several years ago as you often do. Tony Chapman wrote to let me know he was with a consulting firm by the name of Singa Associates. Singa Associates is based in Switzerland, and it offers a variety of services to commodity trading firms. Founded by Valter Marques, CEO, it offers services such as software selection and implementation while trying to help clients maximize business value. I recently spoke to Valter and Tony to find out more about the firm.
Get in Touch
SINGA Associates SA
Chemin de Compostelle, 10
1212 Grand-Lancy